baby weight loss tips
Hello! How are you? I hope you all have had a lovely, lovely Christmas? And me? Well, its been eventful...there may or may not have been tears...but I will come on to that in a minute. Remember my mission, just before Christmas, as though I was planning a trip to Mars and would never return? You know, I tried to cram everything in, needed to buy everything in sight and see every single relation and friend all before the big day? Well that little plan certainly back fired. If I had have been on an actual Mars mission, lets just say I would have been kicked out before I had even fastened my seat belt.
The run up to Christmas was hectic to say the least and Christmas Day, surprise surprise, I began to feel ill. Very achy, like I had been running (but the only actual running I had done was to get another chocolate). This continued, and continued, and this achy body and now a cold has pretty much covered my entire Christmas week (hence a few tears at feeling so rough). But dont feel too sorry for me. It was kinda self inflicted with all the rushing abut I had been doing and it certainly hasnt stopped me enjoying Christmas. I just havent really felt myself, and I certainly havent evoked any of the glamour I had envisaged for myself over the festive period. I saw Pablo T Dog (our border terrier) visibly do a double take when I emerged like a cave woman from the bedroom the other day!
As the festive season draws to a close, I am beginning to feel better and I thought I would share with you a few snaps of what Ive been up to this last week. We actually had snow in Derbyshire on Boxing day night!!! It was just beautiful!!! We had actually planned a trip to Chatsworth House with my parents in Bakewell, Derbyshire the following day, and we were lucky enough to drive through some of the most breathtaking Derbyshire scenery, heavily laden with freshly fallen snow.
Arriving at Chatsworth House the magic continued as we entered the world of Alice In Wonderland. Every year at Chatsworth they have a theme and the entire ground floor of the grand house is decorated to that theme. So, down the rabbit hole we went...
to tiny doors and treats...
to meet froggy footmen...
and to a mad hatters tea party...
and a game of croquet.
We had such a lovely afternoon and the attention to detail was amazing. When we got home to Derbyshire the snow was still there and so we took Baba out sledging. Wait. Who am I kidding? We all went sledging. Heres a picture of me going reallllllllly fast :-)

And have you maybe guessed what my Christmas present was this year?! A camera!!! Anything that moves now gets papped. I am like the walking paparazzi. My new muse: Pablo T Dog. He doesnt seem to mind posing for my picture taking. And what a handsome fellow.
And thats been my week. Now I really much dash as there is still a hell of alot of chocolate that really needs to be eaten before the new year. I hope you enjoy tonights festivities, whatever you are up to. And please pop back tomorrow as I discuss why you really dont need a brand new you for the new year.
Thanks for reading,

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