lose pregnancy weight fast
Zinc in your supplements and diet may be critical for men and women who want to enhance their fertility. In women, zinc helps to manufacture and balance reproductive hormones. It also helps with protein metabolism and egg quality and maturation. Once a women does get pregnant, zinc can help support a healthy pregnancy
In men, zinc can help with healthy sperm production and maturation and normal chromosome development. Testosterone production is also helped by zinc.
Good sources of zinc include pumpkin seeds, beef, chicken, pork and beans.
The flood of zinc appears to flip a switch so the egg can progress through the final stages of meiosis.(Meiosis is when the egg sheds all but one copy of its maternal chromosomes before it can be fertilized by a sperm and become an embryo.)... Zinc seems to be a key switch that helps control whether the egg moves forward in its development stage. from: futurity.org

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