after pregnancy weight loss calculator
I found this article to be very insightful about womens fertility and pregnancy over the age of 40. Many women get pregnant by surprise forgetting that, despite the doom and gloom reported in the media about women having babies at older ages, women can be quite fertile even through their mid forties. If they do get pregnant, they are bombarded with negative outcomes, when in fact, the vast majority babies born to women over 40 are perfectly normal. (click here to read about the real rate of pregnancy complications and birth defects over age 40.,.from
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Media sensationalism and the protectionism bred by fear of medical malpractice lawsuits perpetuate the myth that having a child naturally later in life is virtually impossible and therefore should be avoided.
The medias infertility stories and glamorization of alternate means of achieving parenthood, along with medical experts reasonable cautions about pregnancy after age 35, have been distorted to mean that natural pregnancy after age 40 is rare and a significant health risk for mother and child. Yet the American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists states that many older women show no greater signs of problems than do younger women. Age need not be a barrier to a safe, healthy pregnancy.5
The well-publicized increased chance of chromosomal defects resulting in conditions such as Down syndrome and trisomy 18 can horrify women, even though such risks are actually still very small. According to the ACOG, at 43, my age-related risk for a Down syndrome baby was two percent and three percent for a baby with any chromosomal defect.6 According to my OB-GYNs office, when my health and my babys ultrasound were factored in, the calculated risks were 1.5 percent for Down syndrome and .02 percent for trisomy 18. Thus, older women who are healthy enough to conceive naturally without trying are often healthier than age-related risk calculations might reflect.
Due to my age, I chose an OB-GYN practice that specialized in high risk pregnancies. Much screening and testing of my baby was recommended. Each time I refused a procedure, the physician meticulously recorded my refusal. At each subsequent appointment, I was asked to confirm that, if my baby were born with a birth defect, I had knowingly declined testing and the option of ending the pregnancy. The experience was emotionally disturbing and faith-testing, as I was tempted to second-guess my choices.

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