Monday, April 11, 2016

baby weight loss more than 11 | My labour story Part two

baby weight loss more than 11

Heres part two of my labour story of my second baby.  For part one you can head over here if you missed it, but we left it that I was on all fours and only 4cm dilated. 

You cant really put into words the pain and intensity of contractions, and I certainly dont want to scare anyone who is pregnant or plans to have a baby in the future. I mean we all know it hurts. It really hurts. But its a pain unlike any other, its a pain that has a purpose.  And no matter how many babies I see, I still cant quite believe the miracle that is pregnancy and child birth. 

The contractions were getting stronger and more close together so I tried gas and air that I immediately didnt like.  It just made me feel really sick having a plastic mouthpiece in my mouth and I think it also made me lose focus of my breathing technique that so far had been quite effective.  The gas and air just got thrown on the bed and I resumed focusing on breathing and counting out loud to ten until the contraction had passed. 

I think alot of people perceive labour to be this one long excruciating pain, when in fact inbetween contractions you are pretty pain free.  This kept me going.  I knew if I could just count up to ten, by the time I got to ten the pain would have passed and I would have some respite.  I really tried to stay in the moment and not even think of the next contraction.  

By around 2am my contractions were so intense that I began to doubt myself and I felt so overwhelmed. I remember telling my husband he had better get me an epidural ASAP (even though an hour before Id bleated on about a natural birth!!!). The midwife was amazing and just kept telling me I could do it and to hold on for a bit longer. I can remember arguing with her I couldnt.  At some point I can remember saying Id had enough, it was all too much.   The midwife agreed to examine me and found I was around 8cm! I was nearly nearly there, I could do it! I think she did a sweep at this point to help my cervix fully dilate. 

As the intensity grew to the point that I felt I could take no more, a really strange feeling came over me which I cant describe. My body just felt so different, I felt shaky and weird and a little scared.  I can then remember my waters breaking and the midwife opening a delivery pack. 

At the point I thought I could take no more we had reached the point of pushing.  And this gave me a renewed sense of purpose.  Whilst the contractions were still there, I had a renewed purpose, I had to push as hard as I could to see my baby. 

I wont lie, I was scared at this point. Id had an epidural with my first daughter so all of the sensations were new. I told the midwife there was no way I was pushing, I was just going to wait it out, to which she laughed and told me I didnt have a choice. 

The pushing was hard and exhausting (think doing a giant poo) and my husband said he could actually see my stomach shrinking as baby was being pushed down.  I cant put into words how I felt or what my body was doing.  My body just completely took over and I just knew I had to push and push. Every single part of my being was focusing on pushing this baby out.  A monkey could have delivered my baby and I wouldnt have noticed.   

It was intense but the most amazing experience. Three hours after arriving on the ward and our daughter, baby LL was born.  It was love at first sight. 

I delivered the placenta naturally after the cord had stopped pulsating, and to me this was a breeze compared to birthing a baby.

I needed some stitches afterwards, but just 6 hours later we were discharged home and I dont think my parents could quite believe it when we walked into our home holding our new baby girl.

The care I received was faultless and as hard as it was, I would do it all again in a heartbeat.  I know not every birth is the same and I would never compare this birth to the birth of my daughter where I had an epidural. But I feel so lucky to have experienced a different type of labour and birth.  

Welcome to the world LL xxx

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