Monday, April 11, 2016

pregnancy hormone weight loss shot | IVF LAB MIX UPS CAN LEAD TO TRADGEDY

pregnancy hormone weight loss shot

Fertility Treatments Over 40 - Mishaps

I recall back when I was going through fertility treatments before I embarked on my all natural journey to pregnancy.
 We tried medications, inseminations, and IVF. I never really understood what I was getting myself into until after it was over. One of the scariest moments was when we tried intrauterine inseminations to increase chances of conception by by-passing a less than friendly vaginal/cervical environment.

I went in for my insemination after my husband gave his "donation". After signing into the doctors office, I waited and waited. The receptionist kept giving me these weird looks and after I waited an hour and a half, the doctor himself called me into his office. He sheepishly told me there was a "mix up" in the lab and they had to cancel my insemination. The nurse jokingly says, "We wouldnt want a baby that doesnt look anything like you, now would we?" I sat there somewhat stunned, thinking "EXCUSE ME??? You mean to tell me my husbands sperm is floating around in the wrong pipette? And even worse, some other guys sperm was in my pipette?!" Well, in their defense, at least the lab technician admitted to the error. I really could have had someone elses baby.



In retrospect, all of this really does make me think about all of the things that can happen when you fool with mother nature. I know that some couples have no choice but to undergo fertility treatments, but it is a little worrisome that you really never know whats going on in the lab. Everything is microscopic, if something gets mislabeled.....its all over (or you could have a major dilemma the rest of your life). The same holds true for couples undergoing IVF or donor cycles. Check out the clinic ahead of time. Ask what safeguards their lab has in place. Better yet, try the natural route. Even though it doesnt have a 100% success rate, it has 100% accuracy.

If you do an internet search on "IVF Lab mix-ups" you will find many stories like this one.

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