Friday, April 15, 2016

pregnancy weight loss exercise plan | TRICLOSAN CAN CAUSE FERTILITY PROBLEMS

pregnancy weight loss exercise plan

Hand Sanitizers May Hurt Fertility

I talk in my book about how you should avoid some hand sanitizers if you are trying to conceive - especially those with triclosan. Triclosan can be quite dangerous and it is in a number of consumer products, not just hand sanitizers. Please read the labels and do your research! I was surprised to find out that triclosan isnt just a hormone disruptor, its also a carcinogen. Yikes!

From the article:

The EPA considers triclosan a high risk for human health and the environment. When introduced in 1972, triclosan was confined to health care settings in a surgical scrub.1-4

Triclosan may not be a familiar term to most consumers, though it is now ubiquitous in most American households, masquerading under the unassuming term, "antimicrobial." In the United States, "antimicrobial" has become synonymous with cleanliness and good health.

 See Also:   Environmental Toxins and Your Fertility (

The chemical industry has fostered a fear of germs among American consumers and developed a lucrative market selling products designed to protect us from germs. The EPA estimates sales of antimicrobial products now constitute a billion dollar per year industry...

...The chemical structure of triclosan resembles certain estrogens. One study on a species of Japanese fish did not indicate any estrogenic effects, but found androgenic effects resulting in changes in fin length and sex ratios.2

Triclosan is lipophilic, attaching to fatty tissue. It can accumulate in the liver, lungs, and kidneys, reaching toxic levels. As a chlorophenol, it is categorized as a persistent organic pollutant, along with dioxins and PCBs. These chemicals persist in the environment and bioaccumulate up the food chain. Being at the top of the food chain, humans harbor the most concentrated amounts of these toxic chemicals.2-4

Triclosans use is already so widespread it has made its way into the human body. Studies show triclosan residues in the umbilical cord blood of infants and in the breast milk of nursing mothers.9 Triclosan has not been thoroughly tested nor evaluated for potential risks to human health and the
environment though it is in a category of very toxic and carcinogenic chemicals. It is chemically similar to Agent Orange.

 excerpted from:

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