Thursday, April 7, 2016

post pregnancy weight loss hormones | POSITIVE MINDSET TO GET PREGNANT

post pregnancy weight loss hormones

Getting Pregnant Over 40, Raise Your Vibration To Tap Into The Universal Power

 Ive written before about the law of attraction and how you will attract what you desire when you have a high positive "vibration".  If you are trying to conceive and your are in a constant state of disappointment because you are not getting pregnant, you create a vicious circle that spirals downward.
Babies are pure positive energy - you need to raise your vibration to attract one into your life. At the risk of sounding a bit "new agey"....I must say it works.  Here are some tried and true ways I change my vibration:

  • Listen to your favorite music, this can be done anytime (while driving, walking, at home or at work).  I prefer upbeat music that is a bit faster pace.
  • Take a walk outside, if you can, remove your shoes to connect with the earths energy (there are actually studies that show that connecting with the earth can heal and improve well-being)
  • Start a gratitude journal.  Appreciate all the positive aspects of your life, this will help you to attract more of what you want.
  • Practice visualization and meditation.  When I was trying to conceive, I constantly would daydream about my future child.  I would find myself smiling when I did this.  (see more about visualization and meditation here.)
  • Prepare your favorite meal or try a new recipe.  Cooking can be a very creative art.  I always love to make up my own dishes and make them with healthy ingredients.
  • Dont let yourself get too hungry.  Its hard to be in a good mood when your body is craving food.
  • Find an opportunity to help others.  When I was trying to conceive, I ran an infertility support group.  It was really a relief to focus on helping others rather than myself. 

Do you find information about post pregnancy weight loss hormones are you looking for? If not, below may help you find more information about the post pregnancy weight loss hormones. Thank you for visiting, have a great day.

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