Thursday, April 7, 2016

pregnancy weight loss stalled | First day at Pre School

pregnancy weight loss stalled

On Wednesday afternoon I took my little baby to pre-school for the very first time.  My little baby who is actually nearly three.  Normally, I have some funny incident or observation to blog, but as we both made our way from the car to pre-school my heart felt very full. Surprisingly, I didnt feel sad. I felt so immensely proud of this amazing little person stood next to me and swinging her Frozen bag and marching to the pre-school gates (I had tried to coax her towards choosing another bag seeing as though all 20 pre-school children will probably have the same, but never mind).

She settled really well, and as I returned to an empty house, I thought I might shed a tear. But I didnt. I had only that morning finished reading Gretchen Rubins Happier At Home.  Her closing chapter is on the passage of time and how we always tend to assume that in the future we will be happier, when in fact when we look back through the years, we yearn for those moments past. Here and right now are the happy days.  So, with that in mind, I didnt mourn for my little baby.  I didnt feel sad about the long days past that I used to sit feeding her (OK, maybe I did a little bit). I instead tried to focus on how my little girl has grown into the most wonderful little girl. I hope this day stays in my memory forever.  Of us holding hands.  Of our nervous excitement as we entered the doors.  

As I collected her and she showed me her painting that she had done, my heart was full again.  I want to keep this day with me. Of how proud I felt.  Of how she is truly amazing.  And of how the love I have for her is indescribable.

I feel whilst there may be blog posts to come about our adventures and more likely mis-adventures in pre-school land, today I wanted to capture what I felt for my wonderful daughter.  We returned home and my daughter danced round with her pants on her head to Frozen.  The perfect day.  

"Do not look back and grieve over the past, for it is gone; and do not be troubled about the future, for it has yet to come. Live in the present, and make it so beautiful that it will be worth remembering”, 
Ida Scott Taylor. 

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Super Busy Mum

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