baby losing weight on breast milk
Right before I started my blogging journey, my husband and I sat down and discussed if he wanted to feature on my blog at all. His immediate response was no way, and he has never really changed his mind. Whilst he is happy for me to blog away about our family life, he is quite clear that he doesnt want his name or any pictures of him being posted (except a cheeky one of his legs that I sneaked past him last month!). Also, just a disclaimer, this may read like my husband is a world famous celebrity and we need to keep his identity hidden, but he isnt.
We both also discussed the possibility of my daughters picture being on the blog, and again, for various reasons he really wasnt comfortable with the idea. So aside from some back of the head shots and a picture where my daughter is incognito and dressed up, my family is a pretty big question mark over at Laura Evelyn Bee. It makes me wonder if Im missing out? Am I going against the blogger grain?

I only have to scroll through my Blogger or Instagram feed, and I see and read about other bloggers families. I admire their childrens style or their tantrum antics captured for all to see. I love seeing such personal posts and seeing children growing and proud parent blog posts. I never judge anyone else for including pictures of their little ones, and in fact, I love reading their posts.
Part of me thinks that people connect so much with blogs because they really give you an insight into someone elses life. Can people even get an insight and connect with my blog with such an anonymous family?
I also think from a brand point of view, that with an anonymous family, I am very unlikely to be picked by any major brands. But then I guess, thats not why I started blogging. I started blogging for me, to be creative and try something new.
Blogging was and is something that I am passionate about, and I feel that neither my husband nor my daughter have made that decision. It is only right that I respect their privacy while I happily snap away. And we are both parents. It really isnt my decision to make alone. My husband has to be 100% happy too.
So for now, I will continue with my daughters cheeky face being unknown and my husband being a complete mystery. I hope my words and stories are strong enough for now to paint the picture of my everyday life and being a mum.
I would love to hear your thoughts on this. Are you a blogger who shares pictures of your children? Was it something you ever discussed with your partner? Do you think you can blog with an anonymous family?
Thanks for reading,

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