pregnancy weight loss how long
Male Factor Fertility and Exercise
As the old saying goes, "everything in moderation".We know that women shouldnt do high impact and stenuous exercise while they are trying to conceive or already pregnancy. This holds true for men and exercise as well. Moderate exercisers had the best sperm motility. Read more:
(HealthDay News) Men who get moderate amounts of exercise have better sperm motility than men who are less or more physically active, a new study finds.
Motility refers to the sperms ability to swim and move towards an egg, an important factor in fertility.
The study by researchers at Yamaguchi University in Japan included 215 men who provided semen samples and information about their physical activity levels. The men were divided into three groups: strenuous, moderate or light exercise. Age and body mass index were similar among the three groups.
The moderate-exercise group had the highest average sperm motility and the fewest men with less than 40 percent sperm motility (14.3 percent), while 31 percent of those in the light-exercise group and 27 percent of those in the strenuous-exercise group had less than 40 percent sperm motility.
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